Simplificarea radarului

Despre noi-AxEnd

Despre noi


AxEnd pune tehnologia pe primul loc. The founders of the company had a vision to utilize their patented inventions to better the lives of everyday people. They worked together with a small team of bright engineers to implement advanced radar technology in the field of satellite communication, health and security.

With our technology, Îngrijirea și siguranța sănătății la domiciliu au fost aduse la următorul nivel pentru o liniște totală. Multi-sensor technology and multi-stage decision making hierarchy are introduced to maximize situational awareness for perimeter security and UAV detection. Our patented KA-band CMOS satcom multi-Channel T/R IC provides customers in satellite communication with the best RF performance yet with fewer number of amplifiers, less power consumption, higher efficiency, smaller die size and above all, at lower cost.

AxEnd continuă să exploreze noi aplicații pentru tehnologia lor, îmbunătățirea vieții pentru a fi mai convenabil în orice cale pot.


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